Chief Nurse Appointment - About Us
Our NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (NHS Gloucestershire) is responsible for planning and buying services to meet the health needs of local people. In 2023/24 we will have a budget of £1.2bn to meet the population needs of our local population and we employ 496 colleagues with 385.9wte, as of 31st March 2023.
We are working with partners to ensure the county provides the best possible care. Alongside our communities, we want to improve health, improve access to high quality care and support when needed and make Gloucestershire a better place for the future.
We will do this by:
  • Reducing waiting times for appointments, treatment and operations as we recover from the pandemic
  • Supporting improvements in urgent and emergency care
  • Improving access to care outside of hospital, as close to home as possible
  • Supporting people with mental health needs, learning disabilities and autism
  • Developing our workforce and making the most of new technology
  • Tackling health inequalities.
Health and care services will still be available in people’s homes, GP surgeries, communities and in hospitals, but partners will work ever more closely together to plan and provide advice, support and care.
We will work hand in glove with our One Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Partnership – ensuring a joined-up approach across health, social care, public health and the wider public, voluntary and community sector.
Our Board
Our Board is accountable for the decision making of the organisation. They make sure that we make best use of the money available and buying and developing health services that meet the needs of local people.
Our Board also makes sure that there is transparency and accountability with decision making and supports localities with the development of programmes and projects to support local communities.
The Board includes the Chair of the Integrated Care System (ICS), Directors of NHSG, partner members and independent Non-Executive Directors (members who represent the views of local people and communities).
To find out more about our Board and our Member profiles, please click here.​
One Gloucestershire ICS - System Structures
One Gloucestershire ICB - Structure
ICB Executive Leadership Team
ICB Quality Team
Our Staff Survey Results 2022
The ICB took part in the national staff survey in 2022. The results were received in early 2023, including a full report of the findings benchmarked against other ICBs, a summary report of our performance against the 7 People Promises, and two themes on staff engagement and morale. 74% of the workforce completed the survey, comparing nationally with a 73% median score.
In the seven people promise elements the ICB scored above the average for ICBs and close to the best in several elements. The ICB also scored above average on the two additional themes (staff engagement and morale) which compared well to other ICBs and close to the ‘best’ ICBs. 80.6% of our staff would recommend the ICB as a place to work which is equivalent to the “Best” nationally.
To find out more about our ICB you can visit -