Our One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System brings together NHS, social care, public health and other public, voluntary and community sector organisations.
We know that by working together we can build a healthier Gloucestershire; supporting people to live well and providing high-quality joined-up care when needed.
Our Vision
Making Gloucestershire the healthiest place to live and work – championing equity in life chances and the best health and care outcomes for all.
We will do this by:​​
Our Strategic Priorities
  • Making Gloucestershire a better place for the future- improving the health, wellbeing and care of our citizens - focus on early prevention and the wider impacts on health
  • Transforming what we do now- locality integrated working that supports the needs of the local population, achieving equity - reducing unfair and avoidable differences in health, developing our workforce, improving quality and outcomes across the whole person journey and making the most of digital technology to support care
  • Improving health and care services today- improving access to care, reducing waiting times, supporting improvements in urgent and emergency care and improving mental health support.
Our Population
We are seen as an affluent and successful economy, which is generally true, but it is not evenly shared. Our ICS serves a population of over 660,000 and some 44,000 people live in regions on the mean multi-deprivation score of 20 per cent nationally.
People across urban and rural areas enjoy relatively good health overall in the county. Average life expectancy at birth is 80 years for males and 84 years for females, which is above the England average. On average, people in Gloucestershire enjoy 67 years in good health. However, these figures mask significant, unfair and systematic differences in health and wellbeing between different groups of people.
People living in the wealthiest areas of the county experience on average 11 years longer of ‘healthy life’ compared with those in the least wealthy areas. Such differences are unacceptable and avoidable, and by working together we can drive forward improvements in population health and create equity for all.
Highlights from our First Year
Making Gloucestershire a better place for the future
Transforming what we do
  • 270 people were offered jobs at a ‘one stop shop’ health and care worker recruitment event at Cheltenham racecourse, 41% of whom were new to care.
  • On average, 115 people each month were referred to a community pharmacist for support with their medicines after being discharged from hospital.
  • More than 8,000 people received health advice and support from their community pharmacy following a referral from NHS 111 or their GP.
  • More than 900 people have been referred to The Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Advisors in the last year. The team provide advice, support, and signposting to people with dementia, their families and carers.
  • Over 3,100 people aged 14 or over with a learning disability attended an Annual Health Check.
Improving health and care services today
  • Almost 4,000 referrals were made to the Rapid Response service which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Over 80% of these people have been treated at home, avoiding an unnecessary hospital stay.
  • Vaccination teams delivered more than 370,000 COVID-19 vaccines over the last twelve months.
  • More than 7,500 COVID-19 patients have been supported to stay at home safely on the Virtual Ward, using remote monitoring to identify those who might need to go into hospital for additional care.
  • 75% of people found out whether they have cancer within 28 days of being referred by their GP thanks to quicker access to diagnostic tests.
  •  More than 790,000 prescriptions were ordered, and more than 150,000 appointments were booked online in the last 12 months either through GP practice websites or the NHS App.
You can read more about our strategic priorities in our 5 year ICS Strategy.
Our One Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Partnership - ensures a joined-up approach across the NHS, public health, social care and the wider public, voluntary and community sector.
To find out more about our One Gloucestershire ICB, please click the links below:
Read Our Short Guide
Watch our short film
Download our presentation
Read our Short Guide
Watch our Short Film
Download our Presentation